Monday, January 12, 2009

Time, Nature Threaten LA Island and Native American Tribe

This is close to where we will be (relatively speaking):
Isle de Jean Charles is disappearing, mauled by rising sea-level, coastal erosion and an estimated 10,000 miles of canals dug by oil companies. Threatened along with it: the Biloxi-Chitimacha tribe, a French-speaking Native American tribe that has inhabited the island for generations. Nearly 20 families remain on the island, down from a peak of 68 families in 2000, tribal chief Albert Naquin said.
Full article here.

United Houma Nation

Here is the website for the United Houma Nation, where we will be traveling this spring to help with post-hurricane recovery:
United Houma Nation
Some of the posts on the main page link to pictures, like the one above, which shows the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.